トランプ氏「麻生氏は素晴らしい人」「偉大なシンゾーを通して知り合ったんだ」麻生太郎副総裁と会談|TBS NEWS DIG *shorts ▶0:56
トランプ氏「麻生氏は素晴らしい人」「偉大なシンゾーを通して知り合ったんだ」麻生太郎副総裁と会談|TBS NEWS DIG *shorts ▶0:49
トランプ氏に有罪評決 大統領経験者では史上初 不倫口止め料の改ざんめぐる裁判 ▶0:27
トランプ氏に有罪評決 大統領経験者では史上初 不倫口止め料の改ざんめぐる裁判 ▶0:45
米・ヘイリー元国連大使 大統領選で「トランプ氏に投票」と明言 撤退時には明言せず|TBS NEWS DIG *shorts ▶0:51
米・ヘイリー元国連大使 大統領選で「トランプ氏に投票」と明言 撤退時には明言せず|TBS NEWS DIG *shorts ▶0:56
トランプ前大統領がTikTokアカウント開設 フォロワー数300万人超える 11月の大統領選に向けSNSでのアピール合戦|TBS NEWS DIG*shorts ▶1:00
トランプ前大統領がTikTokアカウント開設 フォロワー数300万人超える 11月の大統領選に向けSNSでのアピール合戦|TBS NEWS DIG*shorts ▶2:08
【トランプ前大統領】4回目の起訴 ジョージア州で2020年の大統領選挙の結果めぐり *shorts ▶0:57
【トランプ前大統領】4回目の起訴 ジョージア州で2020年の大統領選挙の結果めぐり *shorts ▶0:59
【ヘイリー元国連大使】アメリカ大統領選「トランプ氏に投票する」 候補者選び撤退後“初表明” *shorts ▶0:45
【ヘイリー元国連大使】アメリカ大統領選「トランプ氏に投票する」 候補者選び撤退後“初表明” *shorts ▶0:26
大統領選にどう影響? トランプ氏に有罪評決 大統領経験者が有罪となるのは史上初|TBS NEWS DIG *shorts ▶0:50
大統領選にどう影響? トランプ氏に有罪評決 大統領経験者が有罪となるのは史上初|TBS NEWS DIG *shorts ▶0:36
「日本国民を尊敬」トランプ前大統領が日本を絶賛! *トランプ *トランプ大統領 *麻生太郎 *安倍晋三 *安倍総理 *上念司 *日本人 ▶0:58
「日本国民を尊敬」トランプ前大統領が日本を絶賛! *トランプ *トランプ大統領 *麻生太郎 *安倍晋三 *安倍総理 *上念司 *日本人 ▶0:44
'It's chilling': Ex-Trump official reacts to Trump's angry social media post ▶0:30
'It's chilling': Ex-Trump official reacts to Trump's angry social media post ▶2:27
Trump supporters rally in anticipation of former president's arrival in SF ▶0:13
Trump supporters rally in anticipation of former president's arrival in SF ▶0:48
Hannity asks Trump if he would abuse power ▶1:01
Donald Trump arriving at *UFC295 alongside Dana White and Kid Rock 🔥 *Shorts ▶45:11
Donald Trump arriving at *UFC295 alongside Dana White and Kid Rock 🔥 *Shorts ▶1:04:43
Trump attacks key witness on Truth Social ▶0:36
トランプ大統領 ぶりんばんばんぼん ▶1:31
The Schedule Of Mr. Donald Trump by Jimmy Fallon ▶0:40
Trump attacks judge before his fraud trial ▶54:50
Special message from TikTok's favorite President. @President Donald J Trump ▶49:21
Special message from TikTok's favorite President. @President Donald J Trump ▶2:09
Did you see these amazing Trump highlights at UFC⁉️ Big announcement at the end, Donald Trump is on Tik tok‼️🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ▶1:04
Did you see these amazing Trump highlights at UFC⁉️ Big announcement at the end, Donald Trump is on Tik tok‼️🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ▶1:25
Launching my TikTok at @UFC 302. | ufc 302 ▶7:58
【アメリカ】トランプ前大統領の18歳息子、共和党全国大会の代議員に選出 *shorts ▶4:52
【アメリカ】トランプ前大統領の18歳息子、共和党全国大会の代議員に選出 *shorts ▶2:31
米大統領選 候補者指名争いトランプ氏勝利宣言(2024年1月24日) ▶15:12
米大統領選 候補者指名争いトランプ氏勝利宣言(2024年1月24日) ▶21:20
【米大統領選2024】いよいよ“トランプ党”が誕生?!大統領選本格スタート 盛り上がる"トランプ熱狂"をアイオワ州党員集会からリポート ▶4:12
【米大統領選2024】いよいよ“トランプ党”が誕生?!大統領選本格スタート 盛り上がる"トランプ熱狂"をアイオワ州党員集会からリポート ▶3:36
【トランプ氏】2024年アメリカ大統領選への出馬を正式表明 ▶3:50:40
トランプ氏 中国に関税60%超 大統領選に当選なら【WBS】(2024年2月5日) ▶1:03
トランプ氏 中国に関税60%超 大統領選に当選なら【WBS】(2024年2月5日) ▶1:26:37
TRUMPシリーズTVアニメ『デリコズ・ナーサリー』ティザーPV|2024年放送! ▶2:26
TRUMPシリーズTVアニメ『デリコズ・ナーサリー』ティザーPV|2024年放送! ▶1:36:00
トランプ氏 大統領選出馬資格維持か(2024年2月9日) ▶4:32
Trump's Road to the White House (full documentary) | FRONTLINE ▶35:00
Trump's Road to the White House (full documentary) | FRONTLINE ▶1:59:15
【“もしトラ”世界はどうなる?】もしもトランプ氏が大統領に復活したら…“NATO離脱”発言、台湾“あいまい戦略”、日米安全保障条約は適切に履行される?兼原信克×前嶋和弘【深層NEWS】 ▶7:01
【“もしトラ”世界はどうなる?】もしもトランプ氏が大統領に復活したら…“NATO離脱”発言、台湾“あいまい戦略”、日米安全保障条約は適切に履行される?兼原信克×前嶋和弘【深層NEWS】 ▶1:27
トランプ氏“連勝”共和党の候補者選びで“独走”か アメリカ大統領選2024|TBS NEWS DIG ▶26:29
トランプ氏“連勝”共和党の候補者選びで“独走”か アメリカ大統領選2024|TBS NEWS DIG ▶4:16
トランプ氏「地滑り的勝利」 共和党候補者選びで2勝目(2024年1月24日) ▶5:19
トランプ氏「地滑り的勝利」 共和党候補者選びで2勝目(2024年1月24日) ▶3:59:56
【アメリカ大統領選】共和党候補者選び トランプ前大統領「安倍元首相は…」 ▶1:17:53
【アメリカ大統領選】共和党候補者選び トランプ前大統領「安倍元首相は…」 ▶12:56
米大統領選指名争いでトランプ氏“初戦圧勝” 大統領選再選に現実味 もしトランプ氏が返り咲いたら世界は?【news23】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶2:53
米大統領選指名争いでトランプ氏“初戦圧勝” 大統領選再選に現実味 もしトランプ氏が返り咲いたら世界は?【news23】|TBS NEWS DIG ▶34:39
トランプ氏の英国公式訪問 「特別な関係」は変わるのか ▶3:39
Donald Trump's life story: From real estate to politics ▶3:08
Donald Trump's victory speech in full – video ▶13:41
2つの戦争、米大統領選…2024年 世界情勢は?「もしトランプ氏なら…」リスクを検証【Bizスクエア】 ▶1:35
2つの戦争、米大統領選…2024年 世界情勢は?「もしトランプ氏なら…」リスクを検証【Bizスクエア】 ▶0:45
【なぜ強い?】支持広げるトランプ前大統領 共和党候補者選び【アメリカ大統領選挙】 ▶1:27:45
【なぜ強い?】支持広げるトランプ前大統領 共和党候補者選び【アメリカ大統領選挙】 ▶1:33:25
Donald Trump 2024 ▶2:03:11
Who Were Donald Trump's Grandparents? | History ▶4:57
LIVE: Supreme Court hears former President Trump's Colorado ballot eligibility case | ABC News ▶33:26
LIVE: Supreme Court hears former President Trump's Colorado ballot eligibility case | ABC News ▶11:41
【アメリカ大統領選】共和党の候補者選び第2戦へ “一騎打ち”トランプ氏とヘイリー氏が最後の訴え ▶5:31
【アメリカ大統領選】共和党の候補者選び第2戦へ “一騎打ち”トランプ氏とヘイリー氏が最後の訴え ▶11:55:00
Donald Trump's entire 2019 State of the Union address | Full speech on CNN ▶8:08
Donald Trump's entire 2019 State of the Union address | Full speech on CNN ▶7:38
Trump wins New Hampshire primary ▶1:20
Watch In Full: Trump versus Biden in the first US Presidential election debate ▶9:05
Watch In Full: Trump versus Biden in the first US Presidential election debate ▶43:26
Trump Family on Effects of Election ▶9:40:35
President Trump's Full, Unedited Interview With Meet The Press | NBC News ▶1:11:07
President Trump's Full, Unedited Interview With Meet The Press | NBC News ▶16:31
Second 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden ▶14:26
Second 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden ▶3:12
Media goes into ‘full meltdown mode’ following Trump’s Iowa victory ▶1:01:59
Media goes into ‘full meltdown mode’ following Trump’s Iowa victory ▶13:58
トランプ氏、繰り返し「黙秘権」を行使 宣誓証言の映像公開 ▶1:41
President Trump speaks at the White House ▶11:01
Former President Donald Trump Iowa Victory Speech ▶0:36
President Trump makes remarks ▶10:58
Trump Speech LIVE Today | Donald Trump Speaks At Moms For Liberty summit in Philadelphia | US News ▶11:54:55
Trump Speech LIVE Today | Donald Trump Speaks At Moms For Liberty summit in Philadelphia | US News ▶8:20
Trump Full Press Conference (2/16/17) | ABC News ▶9:55
President Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia ▶13:25
Trump children arrive at swearing-in ceremony ▶1:18
LIVE: Donald Trump speaks at Libertarian event in Washington DC ▶5:54
LIVE: Donald Trump speaks at Libertarian event in Washington DC ▶0:41
Appeals court rules Trump is not immune from prosecution ▶1:45
Trump's Fox News Iowa town hall in 3 minutes ▶13:02
Watch Trump and Putin speak ahead of one-on-one meeting ▶2:06
Trump Announces Presidential Run for 2024 ▶27:32
Donald Trump receives thunderous applause at UFC event ▶1:02:37
Donald Trump receives thunderous applause at UFC event ▶11:10
LIVE: Donald Trump attends Turning Point rally in Arizona ▶6:58
LIVE: Donald Trump holds MAGA rally in New York ▶1:50
Donald Trump Talks Media Coverage, Polls and His Vocal Transformation ▶13:07
Donald Trump Talks Media Coverage, Polls and His Vocal Transformation ▶12:32
Trump delivers speech after guilty verdict ▶11:54:55
Trump: 'My revenge will be success' ▶11:06
Trump lawyer: If we don't stop this RIGHT NOW we are done! ▶14:42
Donald Trump Speech LIVE | Trump Holds Massive Beachfront Campaign Rally In New Jersey | N18L ▶1:05
Donald Trump Speech LIVE | Trump Holds Massive Beachfront Campaign Rally In New Jersey | N18L ▶1:32:18
Trump called his guilty verdict 'rigged.' Hear Biden's reaction ▶5:10
Third Presidential Debate Highlights | Trump Sexual Assault, Clinton Email Scandals ▶12:07
Third Presidential Debate Highlights | Trump Sexual Assault, Clinton Email Scandals ▶12:42
Donald Trump responds to Supreme Court taking Colorado case ▶0:51
Donald Trump responds to Supreme Court taking Colorado case ▶1:00
Hear Trump hint at what to expect in his second term ▶4:46
Trump on trial: New York vs. Donald Trump Day 5 Highlights ▶10:23
LIVE REPLAY: Trump to Deliver Remarks at Iowa Caucus Rallies in Newton and Clinton - 1/6/24 ▶3:41
LIVE REPLAY: Trump to Deliver Remarks at Iowa Caucus Rallies in Newton and Clinton - 1/6/24 ▶3:33
Donald Trump found guilty in "hush money" criminal trial | Special Report ▶9:52
Donald Trump found guilty in "hush money" criminal trial | Special Report ▶6:53:18
President Trump Rides on Air Force One For First Time | ABC News ▶0:47
President Trump Rides on Air Force One For First Time | ABC News ▶17:54
Trump Literally Foaming at the Mouth, Loses Gun License & Guillermo at NBA Media Day ▶14:56
Trump Literally Foaming at the Mouth, Loses Gun License & Guillermo at NBA Media Day ▶2:30:42
The truth is that Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE. ▶5:46
The truth is that Biden’s Executive Order won’t STOP the invasion—it will make the invasion WORSE. ▶
Why Trump MUST Exact Revenge Explained In 30 Minutes! ▶
Why Trump MUST Exact Revenge Explained In 30 Minutes! ▶
Donald Trump Found GUILTY on ALL COUNTS & Superfan Jake Byrd is Outside the Courthouse ▶
Donald Trump Found GUILTY on ALL COUNTS & Superfan Jake Byrd is Outside the Courthouse ▶
Donald Trump's most bizarre moments of 2018 ▶
Trump speaks to Fox News after his guilty conviction: ‘These are bad people’ ▶
Trump speaks to Fox News after his guilty conviction: ‘These are bad people’ ▶
Trump arrives at Trump Tower in NYC ahead of arraignment ▶
Reality, as Trump supporters see it ▶
Donald Trump GUILTY on ALL 34 COUNTS | LiveNOW from FOX ▶
Donald Trump GUILTY on ALL 34 COUNTS | LiveNOW from FOX ▶
Trump rails against verdict in grievance-filled speech ▶
Trump arrives for closing arguments at New York civil fraud trial ▶
Trump arrives for closing arguments at New York civil fraud trial ▶
【アメリカ大統領選挙】共和党候補者選びでトランプ氏“圧勝” 大統領への「返り咲き」が現実味 背景に根強い支持者たちの存在【関西テレビ・newsランナー】 ▶
【アメリカ大統領選挙】共和党候補者選びでトランプ氏“圧勝” 大統領への「返り咲き」が現実味 背景に根強い支持者たちの存在【関西テレビ・newsランナー】 ▶
【アメリカ大統領選】共和党“初戦” トランプ氏が勝利宣言「アメリカを再び偉大に」 ▶
【アメリカ大統領選】共和党“初戦” トランプ氏が勝利宣言「アメリカを再び偉大に」 ▶
President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tribute ▶
Trump trolls Biden with 'White House senior living' ad: 'Where residents feel like presidents' ▶
Trump trolls Biden with 'White House senior living' ad: 'Where residents feel like presidents' ▶
A Look Back At Donald Trump’s Awkward Moments With World Leaders | NBC News ▶
A Look Back At Donald Trump’s Awkward Moments With World Leaders | NBC News ▶
Lawrence: Donald Trump is not stupid enough to believe everything Donald Trump says ▶
Lawrence: Donald Trump is not stupid enough to believe everything Donald Trump says ▶
北朝鮮側に足を踏み入れたトランプ氏、「素晴らしい名誉」と 米大統領として初 ▶
北朝鮮側に足を踏み入れたトランプ氏、「素晴らしい名誉」と 米大統領として初 ▶
【トランプ大統領 復活か】『欧州 中国 台湾 日本 世界への影響は』 ▶
【トランプ大統領 復活か】『欧州 中国 台湾 日本 世界への影響は』 ▶
「“雨だれ、石を穿つ”作戦」ウクライナ防衛の“要”ダニロフ書記が私たちに語ったこと【1月29日(月) *報道1930 】 ▶
「“雨だれ、石を穿つ”作戦」ウクライナ防衛の“要”ダニロフ書記が私たちに語ったこと【1月29日(月) *報道1930 】 ▶
Donald Trump: The 100 Most Humiliating Moments of His Presidency ▶
Donald Trump: The 100 Most Humiliating Moments of His Presidency ▶
Trump's ex-colleagues open up about his history of lies ▶
Former President Donald Trump doubles down on his controversial remarks ▶
Former President Donald Trump doubles down on his controversial remarks ▶
BREAKING NEWS: Trump Unveils Massive Plans For The United States' 250th Anniversary ▶
BREAKING NEWS: Trump Unveils Massive Plans For The United States' 250th Anniversary ▶
Crowds gather outside Trump Tower as former president decries conviction ▶
Crowds gather outside Trump Tower as former president decries conviction ▶
RNC Makes Plans for Trump to Accept Nomination from Jail, GOP Demands Revenge: A Closer Look ▶
RNC Makes Plans for Trump to Accept Nomination from Jail, GOP Demands Revenge: A Closer Look ▶
Trump News LIVE | Donald Trump Mega Rally In NY LIVE | Trump Speech LIVE | Trump Rally LIVE | N18L ▶
Trump News LIVE | Donald Trump Mega Rally In NY LIVE | Trump Speech LIVE | Trump Rally LIVE | N18L ▶
【タカオカ解説】バイデン大統領とトランプ前大統領、再対決かー11月に行われるアメリカ大統領選、勝敗のカギを握るのは、あの大物歌手や大人気野球選手!? ▶
【タカオカ解説】バイデン大統領とトランプ前大統領、再対決かー11月に行われるアメリカ大統領選、勝敗のカギを握るのは、あの大物歌手や大人気野球選手!? ▶
Hysterical Trump Faces Jail Time After Guilty Verdict, Fox News Predicts "Revolution": A Closer Look ▶
Hysterical Trump Faces Jail Time After Guilty Verdict, Fox News Predicts "Revolution": A Closer Look ▶
「米国第一」叫ぶトランプ氏 TPP・米軍…日本は警戒 ▶
Trump Responds To New York Trump Trial Verdict! ▶
People across New York react to Trump guilty verdict ▶
Trump busted for taking foreign money at Trump Org: See Ari Melber's legal breakdown ▶
Trump busted for taking foreign money at Trump Org: See Ari Melber's legal breakdown ▶
MAGA Faithful Protest Trump Verdict with Upside-Down Flags & Lauren Boebert Confronted During Debate ▶
MAGA Faithful Protest Trump Verdict with Upside-Down Flags & Lauren Boebert Confronted During Debate ▶
トランプ氏に「落選させよう」とやじ 故ギンズバーグ最高裁判事の追悼で ▶
トランプ氏に「落選させよう」とやじ 故ギンズバーグ最高裁判事の追悼で ▶
Donald Trump supporters line up outside Rochester Opera House ▶
Donald Trump supporters line up outside Rochester Opera House ▶
CNN, MSNBC refuse to air Trump victory speech ▶
Majority of Independents Want Trump to Drop Out After Guilty Verdict, MTG Melts Down: A Closer Look ▶
Majority of Independents Want Trump to Drop Out After Guilty Verdict, MTG Melts Down: A Closer Look ▶
Donald Trump given rockstar reception at Bronx rally ▶
Trump speaks after jury convicts him in criminal trial ▶
Donald Trump jokes about acting like a 'dictator' ▶
LIVE: Donald Trump Hearing | Arguments On Blocking Trump Under The ‘Insurrection’ Clause Begin |N18L ▶
LIVE: Donald Trump Hearing | Arguments On Blocking Trump Under The ‘Insurrection’ Clause Begin |N18L ▶
「トランプ氏は再選したら一銭も出さず」 ウクライナ支援でハンガリー首相(2024年3月12日) ▶
「トランプ氏は再選したら一銭も出さず」 ウクライナ支援でハンガリー首相(2024年3月12日) ▶
Trump will have an opportunity to remedy this: Harold Ford Jr. ▶
Trump’s Disastrous Press Conference After Guilty Verdict & MAGA Nuts Kiss Ass with Cringey Tributes ▶
Trump’s Disastrous Press Conference After Guilty Verdict & MAGA Nuts Kiss Ass with Cringey Tributes ▶
WATCH FULL REPLAY - FREE: Donald Trump Rally In Bronx New York! ▶
WATCH FULL REPLAY - FREE: Donald Trump Rally In Bronx New York! ▶
Jesse Watters gives his take on Trump's vice presidential choices ▶
Jesse Watters gives his take on Trump's vice presidential choices ▶


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